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Error message

  • Warning : count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable dans element_children() (ligne 6723 dans /home/lingtransoftd7/public_html/includes/
  • Warning : Invalid argument supplied for foreach() dans element_children() (ligne 6727 dans /home/lingtransoftd7/public_html/includes/

FLExTrans Documentation

Here's some documentation on 'Getting Started', using the Sense Linker and Live Rule Tester tools and a tutorial on writing transfer rules. This documentation is also in the FLExTrans Documentation folder in the FlexTools 2.0 install folder.

Refer to Ron's thesis, A Linguist-Friendly Machine Translation System for Low-Resource Languages for a detailed description of the system.

Ron welcomes your emails for any help you need. Write to flextrans "dot" help "at" gmail "dot" com.