Fast Access to All Paratext Videos ▶🎞

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You can provide yourself or other Paratext users with a desktop icon that can instantly access and play all of the Paratext videos locally and allows searching for videos by topic or content. As videos are updated for newer versions of Paratext, those videos will automatically be updated in the background using a program called Resilio Sync. If you don’t want the computer to download new videos automatically, you only need one computer in your location to get the updates, and you can copy them over periodically.

English video setup

🎬 Note that the English video collection includes many tools besides Paratext, like Bloom and Fieldworks.


  1. We will click on a URL for the shared videos, which takes us to a webpage.
  2. If needed, you will first install Resilio Sync, after which the video folder will be added to your computer and will start downloading all the videos.
  3. Then you will need to create a desktop shortcut for the Paratext video page and a shortcut for the folder with other videos to make them easy to find.
  4. Lastly, you can customize the icon for the Paratext videos to make it easier to identify.


If you would like all of the English Paratext videos and other videos about various Language Technology software, you can click on the following link to start syncing all the videos to your computer. This folder has about 3 GB of content.

Click here to set up English video syncing to your computer. Links for videos in other languages are below.

English Video Setup

The link will open your browser and display these options:

Resilio Sync Install Options Updated

Please note: Resilio Sync may display larger folder sizes than we list in this article. We recently compressed our videos, and the overall folder sizes are significantly smaller that displayed.

If you don’t have an up-to-date version of Resilio Sync installed, install Sync for your device. While you install it, the web page will stay open, now showing the following:

Resilio Sync Get the Folder

Clicking the red button will open Resilio Sync and ask you where to store the folder (#1 below):

Resilio Sync Connect to Folder 3

In the above image, the Videos folder is being placed in C:\langtran. This is what I set the default Resilio folder to be in my settings. You will most likely see the following:

C:\Users\{UserName}\Resilio Sync\Videos

📌 Note: While I prefer to have the directory closer to the root, I have the experience of setting up the synchronization on many computers at a workshop, and it is very difficult to get users to manipulate directory structures, and it may be easier to just accept the default.


Clicking the blue connect button (#2 above) will start the synchronization. 3 GB may take a long time to download from the Internet, but Resilio Sync will also download the files from other Resilio users on the local network if the firewall permits it.

Desktop Shortcuts

Having the video files available is only part of the solution. It is important to access the Video Overview file that provides links and descriptions of all the videos as shown below:

Resilio Sync HTML Video List Example 3

This web page also allows for searching any topic by using Ctrl + F which will take you to the link for the corresponding video(s). Clicking the link opens the video in the same browser window and it starts playing immediately!

Create a shortcut to the video overview file

Here are the steps to create a shortcut to the Video Overview file:

  1. Open the Resilio Sync app on your computer.
  2. Click on the Videos folder:
    Resilio Sync Videos Folder 3
  3. In the File Explorer window that opens
    1. Right-click on the _video-overview.htmlfile
    2. Go to Send to > Desktop (create shortcut)
  4. The desktop shortcut will have the browser’s icon like this (if using Chrome):
    Resilio Sync Generic Desktop Shortcut
  5. Don’t leave it this way, as this is not very helpful! Rename the shortcut to “Paratext Videos”.
  6. If you really want to make it obvious, set the icon to the Paratext icon:
    1. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties > Change icon…
    2. Browse and navigate to paratext.exe — we will use its icon! C:\ProgramFiles\Paratext 9\Paratext.exe
    3. Now you should have this icon:
      Resilio Sync Paratext Icon Shortcut

Other language video setup

We have Paratext videos in seven other languages that are also accessible.  Follow the installation directions above and use the link(s) provided below for the videos you want to store and access locally on your computer.

Links to Download Paratext Videos in Other Languages

Note: Folder sizes are approximate as of Aug 2023. Resilio Sync may report larger folder sizes, but the actual download size is listed above.

Create a shortcut for other languages

Here are the steps to create a shortcut to the Video Overview for any of these other languages:

  1. Follow the create shortcut directions above, but open on the specific language folder in Resilio Sync:
    Resilio Sync Videos Folders
  2. Create a shortcut for the appropriate HTML file in that folder.
    1. For example _vídeos-de-entrenamiento-de-paratext-9.html:
      html file example 2

Pause/Resume Syncing

If you don’t want to sync all the time (for example, when your Internet is more expensive or weak), you can pause syncing:

  1. Open Resilio Sync.
  2. Right-click on the video folder that you want to pause synching for (#2 below):
    Resilio Sync Pause Syncing 2
  3. Click Pause syncing (#3 above)

When you have a good Internet connection, be sure to resume syncing to get video updates:

  1. Open Resilio Sync.
  2. Right-click on the video folder that you want to resume synching for (#2 below):
    Resilio Sync Resume Syncing
  3. Click Resume syncing (#3 above)


As long as Resilio Sync runs in the background, you will always have the latest version of the Paratext videos on your hard drive, accessible through the desktop shortcut you created.  You can also transfer the videos to another computer without Resilio Sync by copying the Videos folder and setting up the shortcut on the desktop.